Cellulite is a commonly occurring issue in a large percentage of women, as well as some men.
The condition is noted by a particular appearance of the skin that causes dimpling on the hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. It can also be found on the breasts, upper arms, and lower abdominal regions.
Cellulite is readily found in areas of the body where fat tends to deposit, and gets its appearance from the fatty tissue located below the surface of the skin that is uneven.
While cellulite is not considered to be a medical condition that needs to be treated, it does make many people feel very self-conscious and can cause, especially women, to stop wearing swimsuits and shorts.
Because cellulite is not considered to be a medical condition that is serious, or one that needs treatment, many people simply live with the issue.
Many physicians even consider the condition of cellulite to be a normal part of life.
However, there are a large number of people who are not content to accept cellulite, and therefore seek a variety of treatments to rid their bodies of the unsightly problem once and for all.
If you are one of the many people looking for a solution, you have come to the right place.
This guide will explain the various types of treatments available from doctors and plastic surgeons, to over the counter remedies, and spa treatments. It will also provide you with valuable advice for managing cellulite that you may not have found anywhere else.
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