Congratulations, you have taken your first step toward understanding and battling one of the greatest sources of concern humanity has ever faced – depression. I hope, after reading this book, depression will be the least of your worries and you improve the control you have over your negative emotions.
“I am so depressed; you have no idea!” “I think I am going into depression,” “Why do you look so sad?” “Are you depressed?” are some of the questions and phrases that are scarily common. The word depression is used or thrown around so often to describe a mixture of almost any negative emotions. When your friend is sad or feeling low about something, how often do you hear or expect to hear one of the above phrases?
While it may be a common practice these days to refer to a negative feeling inside you as ‘being depressed,' the repercussions and the effects of a person who is suffering from depression are often ignored, sidelined or worse, they go unnoticed! It can affect the way you feel about yourself which, in turn, will make it very difficult and ‘depressing’ to get through your day-to-day chores. It is time to take a step towards a journey that will lead you to a depression free life.
On this journey, we will be taking the detailed route to understanding the concept of depression by diving deep into its roots and strategic methodologies you can use to overcome it. We will also be clarifying and clearing up the common
misconceptions and myths that circle around depression.
Together, let’s kill one of the biggest sources of sorrow, woe, gloom, desolation and despair. Be prepared to overcome your worst nightmares, to enter a brighter and highly positive lifestyle and find out how you can gain mastery over your emotions instead of letting them run wild. Unravel the means to tap into the potential of your emotions in the search for the key to a successful and a happy life.
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